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Self Assessment

Self-Assessment Questions & Advice Dialogue

Question 1/9

When you think of the past 12 months, do you gamble to a budget that you have set?

Question 2/9

Still thinking about the last 12 months, have your stakes remained consistent?

Question 3/9

When you gambled, did you stop when you gained a win?

Question 4/9

Have all the funds used to gamble been your own?

Question 5/9

Are you aware that gambling can become addictive?

Question 6/9

Do you consider gambling as another hobby?

Question 7/9

Are other people aware that you gamble and how often?

Question 8/9

If you did not gamble could you still pay your bills?

Question 9/9

In the last month have you gambled on less than 15 occasions?